Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps – Issue 29A


“FALL OF THE GODS” part four! The Green Lantern Corps draws the line between the Godkiller Robots and the Source Wall. If they give an inch, the Corps gets pushed into the wall and the Godkiller Robots pull Yuga Khan free, plunging the New Gods into devastation.

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SKU: 778434-DC Comics-Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps-29A-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Fall of the Gods, Conclusion: The Dead Will Rise

Storyarc: Fall of the Gods


Writer Robert Venditti
Penciller Rafa Sandoval
Inker Jordi Tarragona
Colorist Tomeu Morey
Letterer Dave Sharpe
Cover Penciller Rafa Sandoval
Cover Inker Jordi Tarragona
Cover Colorist Tomeu Morey
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor Mike Cotton
Editor Andrew Marino


Green Lantern John Stewart
Green Lantern Graf Toren
Green Lantern Stel
Green Lantern Isamot Kol
Highfather Izaya
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
Green Lantern Rot Lop Fan
Green Lantern Guy Gardner
Green Lantern Kilowog
Green Lantern Arisia Rrab
Green Lantern Gorin-Sunn
Green Lantern Two-Six
Green Lantern Harold ‘Hal’ Jordan
Green Lantern Raynunn
Green Lantern Space Ape (Lorix)
Green Lantern Two-Lobe
Yuga Khan

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
