JLA: Secret Society of Super-Heroes – Issue 2


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SKU: 324425-DC Comics-JLA: Secret Society of Super-Heroes-2-Comic Category: Tags: ,


Title: Secret Society Of Super Heroes


Writer Howard Chaykin
Writer David Tischman
Penciller Mike McKone
Inker Jimmy Palmiotti
Colorist Dave Stewart
Letterer Bob Lappan
Cover Penciller Mike McKone
Cover Inker Jimmy Palmiotti
Cover Colorist Dave Stewart
Editor Andrew Helfer


Flash (Elseworlds) Wally West
Metamorpho (Elseworlds) Rex Mason
Bruce Wayne (Elseworlds)
Martian Manhunter (Elseworlds) J’onn J’onzz
Superman (Elseworlds) Kal-El / Clark Kent
Wonder Woman (Elseworlds) Diana
Atom (Elseworlds) Ray Palmer
Green Lantern (Elseworlds) Kyle Rayner
Lois Lane (Elseworlds)
Plastic Man (Elseworlds) Patrick ‘Eel’ O’Brian
Joker (Elseworlds)
Perry White (Elseworlds)
Alfred Pennyworth (Elseworlds)
Hawkgirl (Elseworlds)
Riddler (Elseworlds) Marc Question
Joe Chill (Elseworlds)
Kid Flash (Elseworlds) Bart Allen
Selina Kyle (Elseworlds)

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count

Release Date

Release Year
