Title: The Best War Comic Cover Art from “War”, “Battle”, “Air Ace” and “War at Sea” Picture Libraries
Writer | David Roach |
From the 1950s to the 1970s, Fleetway and its successor IPC was the world’s biggest comic-book publisher and its line of digest-sized “Picture Libraries” was the jewel in their crown. The most popular and longest lasting titles were “War”, “Battle”, “Air Ace and War at Sea” which ran for a combined total of over four and a half thousand issues. This book collects together 400 of the finest “War”, “Battle”, “Air Ace and War at Sea” covers, digitally remastered from the original archived artwork in a lavish format with the finest quality reproduction. Simply put they’ve never looked so good.
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Title: The Best War Comic Cover Art from “War”, “Battle”, “Air Ace” and “War at Sea” Picture Libraries
Writer | David Roach |