Title: The Coward Of Steel! / The Planet Of Outcasts!
Writer | Leo Dorfman |
Writer | Jerry Siegel |
Artist | Al Plastino |
Artist | Jim Mooney |
Penciller | Curt Swan |
Letterer | Joe Letterese |
Cover Penciller | Curt Swan |
Cover Inker | George Klein |
Editor | Mort Weisinger |
Lois Lane |
Lady Macbeth |
Supergirl | Kara / Linda Zor-El / Lee Danvers |
Superman | Kal-El / Clark Kent |
Krypto the Super-Dog |
James Olsen |
Loretta Land |
Lucrezia Borgia |
Mata Hari |
Lattora |
Ran-Kor |
Tempra |