Action Comics, Vol. 1 – Issue 474


Will The Real Superman Please Show Up? Dr. Light springs a trap to expose which of the seven people dressed in Superman uniforms on Johnny Nevada’s talk show is really Superman.

One For The Money! Clark Kent buys a winning state lottery ticket from a newsdealer named Benny, who picks Kent’s pocket to get the ticket himself.

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SKU: 1003357-DC Comics-Action Comics, Vol. 1-474-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Will The Real Superman Please Show Up? / One For The Money!


Writer Cary Bates
Writer Bob Toomey
Penciller Kurt Schaffenberger
Inker Tex Blaisdell
Colorist Jerry Serpe
Letterer Morris Waldinger
Cover Artist Kurt Schaffenberger
Editor Julius Schwartz


Steve Lombard
Gregory Reed
Dr. Light Arthur Light
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Johnny Nevada
Malador James ‘Jimmy’ Olsen
James Olsen
Mike Talbot
Rock Sterling

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
