Action Comics, Vol. 1 – Issue 608


Green Lantern: Where The Heck Is Green Lantern? – Appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show, Hal Jordan is amazed when the audience laugh at his claim that he is totally without fear.Wild Dog: Moral Stand – Chapter Eight: Winged Dog – The Legion of Morality plan to attack an art show but as he prepares to join them, Wild Dog’s cover is blown.Secret Six: Blind Impulse – Unusre whether to trust Mockingbird or di Rienzi, the Six try to weigh up the information from both sides.Superman: Questions And Mysteries – Superman attempts to clear up the mystery of how a man can be in two places at once. His devout worshipper is questioned by the police.Deadman: Gala Reception – Escaping from hell, Deadman finds the Devil has escaped also and, using the body of the CIA director, heads to a gala dinner for the Soviet premier only to be confronted by one of the director’s lovers.Blackhawk: Another Fine War Conclusion – Cynthia Hastings is revealed to be a nun who needs a specific statue to help heal a rift between Catholics and Buddhists. Despite the plans of the Red Dragon, Blackhawk makes his escape thanks to some last minute help from his friends.

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SKU: 437152-DC Comics-Action Comics, Vol. 1-608-Comic Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Title: Where The Heck Is Green Lantern? / Moral Stand, Part 8: Winged Dog / Blind Impulse / Questions And Mysteries / Gala Reception / Another Fine War, Part 8


Writer Mike Grell
Writer Roger Stern
Writer Martin Pasko
Writer Mike Baron
Writer Peter David
Writer Max Allan Collins
Artist Dan Spiegle
Penciller Curt Swan
Penciller Rick Burchett
Penciller Tod Smith
Penciller Dan Jurgens
Inker John Nyberg
Inker Pablo Marcos
Inker Danny Bulanadi
Inker John Beatty
Inker Tony DeZuniga
Colorist Carl Gafford
Colorist Liz Bérubé
Colorist Tom Ziuko
Colorist Michele Wolfman
Colorist Anthony Tollin
Letterer Gaspar Saladino
Letterer Tim Harkins
Letterer Carrie Spiegle
Letterer Steve Haynie
Letterer Bill Oakley
Letterer Albert De Guzman
Cover Artist Tod Smith
Editor Mike Gold
Editor Renee Witterstaetter
Editor Denny O’Neil
Editor Dick Giordano
Editor Barbara Randall
Editor Mike Carlin


Blackhawk Janos Prohaska
Deadman Boston Brand
Oprah Winfrey
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Wild Dog Jack Wheeler
Andre Blanc-Dumont
Mitch Hoberman
Anthony Mantegna
Luke McKendrick
Vic Sommers
Maria Verdugo
Carlos ‘Chuck’ Sirianni
Rafael di Rienzi
Cynthia Hastings
Mockingbird August Durant
Red Dragon Sheah Chun Ryan
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent

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Weight 0.02 kg


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