Action Comics, Vol. 1 – Issue 609


Black Canary – Bitter Fruit: Part 1 – As police crack down on illegal immigrants, an old friend of Black Canary comes calling.Deadman – Chapter Nine: Faux Pas – Abandoning the CIA director to his lover, Deadman takes control of Ronald Reagan only to find Satan in Mikhail Gorbachev’s body. They swap into each other’s wives until Nancy – controlled by Satan – strikes Raisa who leaves and returns carrying one of the alien guns.Secret Six: Canned in Boston – The Six wonder about the motives of Mockingbird as elsewhere Rafael di Rienzi is kidnapped. The Six prepare to infiltrate a meat-packing plant to discover the source of a lethal contamination.Superman: And There Will Be a Sign! – As Clark Kent, Superman gets his worshipper, Bob Galt, to talk to him.Wild Dog: Moral Stand – Chapter Nine: Red Pencil – Wild Dog manages to prevent the destruction of the art show by the Legion of Morality and ensure their leader is finished.Green Lantern: Cutting Remarks – Oprah Winfrey’s audience reject Hal Jordan’s claim that he is without fear, a claim he tests later by confronting a sword wielding maniac without his power ring.

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SKU: 437153-DC Comics-Action Comics, Vol. 1-609-Comic Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Title: Bitter Fruit, Part 1 / Faux Pas / Canned In Boston / And There Will Be A Sign! / Moral Stand, Part 9: Red Pencil / Cutting Remarks


Writer Roger Stern
Writer Martin Pasko
Writer Mike Baron
Writer Sharon Wright
Writer Peter David
Writer Max Allan Collins
Artist Dan Spiegle
Penciller Curt Swan
Penciller Terry Beatty
Penciller Randy DuBurke
Penciller Tod Smith
Penciller Dan Jurgens
Inker John Nyberg
Inker Pablo Marcos
Inker Danny Bulanadi
Inker John Beatty
Inker Tony DeZuniga
Colorist Gene D’Angelo
Colorist Carl Gafford
Colorist Liz Bérubé
Colorist Tom Ziuko
Colorist Michele Wolfman
Colorist Anthony Tollin
Letterer Gaspar Saladino
Letterer John Costanza
Letterer Carrie Spiegle
Letterer Steve Haynie
Letterer Bill Oakley
Cover Artist Brian Bolland
Editor Mike Gold
Editor Denny O’Neil
Editor Dick Giordano
Editor Barbara Randall
Editor Mike Carlin


Ronald Reagan
Deadman Boston Brand
Oprah Winfrey
Green Arrow Oliver Queen
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Wild Dog Jack Wheeler
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mitch Hoberman
La Donna Jameal
Anthony Mantegna
Luke McKendrick
Vic Sommers
Maria Verdugo
Rafael di Rienzi
Nancy Reagan
Green Lantern Arisia Rrab
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Black Canary Dinah Laurel Lance

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Weight 0.02 kg


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