Title: Risky Business / Kenny And The Demon! / Catfight / Show & Tell / …Another Man’s Poison / Bitter Fruit, Part 2
Writer | Roger Stern |
Writer | Martin Pasko |
Writer | Mike Baron |
Writer | Sharon Wright |
Writer | Peter David |
Writer | Paul Kupperberg |
Artist | Kyle Baker |
Artist | Dan Spiegle |
Artist | Tod Smith |
Penciller | Curt Swan |
Penciller | Randy DuBurke |
Penciller | Dan Jurgens |
Inker | Pablo Marcos |
Inker | John Beatty |
Inker | Tony DeZuniga |
Colorist | Carl Gafford |
Colorist | Petra Goldberg-Scotese |
Colorist | Liz Bérubé |
Colorist | Tom Ziuko |
Colorist | Anthony Tollin |
Colorist | Gene D’Angelo |
Letterer | John Costanza |
Letterer | Carrie Spiegle |
Letterer | Steve Haynie |
Letterer | Bill Oakley |
Letterer | Bert Workman |
Cover Artist | David Lloyd |
Editor | Mike Gold |
Editor | Denny O’Neil |
Editor | Dick Giordano |
Editor | Barbara Randall |
Editor | Mike Carlin |
Deadman | Boston Brand |
Green Lantern | Hal Jordan |
Perry White |
Phantom Stranger |
D.B. Cooper |
Bruce Gordon |
Mitch Hoberman |
La Donna Jameal |
Anthony Mantegna |
Luke McKendrick |
Vic Sommers |
Maria Verdugo |
Rafael di Rienzi |
Green Lantern | Arisia Rrab |
Superman | Kal-El / Clark Kent |
Black Canary | Dinah Laurel Lance |