Action Comics, Vol. 1 – Issue 624


Green Lantern: Faith – Hal is working with Priest to learn his way around without the power battery handy. He starts to wonder if he’s really on the right side of this war.Shazam: Aryan Acres – Billy continues to investigate the Sons of Valhalla. He finds their teachings hard to stomach, but manages to hide his disgust long enough to learn about the next stage of their plan.Secret Six: The Sound of a Silent Heart – Tony gets closer to his captive, and we learn a lot more about his past.Superman: Pin The Tail… – Clark Kent needs to find a way to get Bob Galt to California in one piece. That’ll be hard when they’ve been followed to the airport.Deadman: Wildwood – The twins have set up their old home as best they remember it, summoning the dead to help them. Black Canary: Knock ‘Em Dead – Black Canary is out in her regular identity, working deals to keep Sherwood Florist well into the black. She takes some personal time to train, as well.

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SKU: 433379-DC Comics-Action Comics, Vol. 1-624-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: “Faith!” / Aryan Acres / The Sound Of A Silent Heart / Pin The Tail… / Wildwood / Knock ’em Dead, Part 1


Writer James C. Owsley
Writer Dann Thomas
Writer Roger Stern
Writer Martin Pasko
Writer Mike Baron
Writer Sharon Wright
Writer Roy Thomas
Penciller Curt Swan
Penciller Randy DuBurke
Penciller Rick Stasi
Penciller Vince Giarrano
Penciller Frank Springer
Penciller Mark D. Bright
Inker José Marzan Jr.
Inker Frank McLaughlin
Inker Pablo Marcos
Inker Rick Magyar
Inker Murphy Anderson
Inker Tony DeZuniga
Colorist Carl Gafford
Colorist Anthony Tollin
Colorist Gene D’Angelo
Colorist Nansi Hoolahan
Colorist Daniel Vozzo
Colorist Tom Ziuko
Letterer Jean Simek-Izzo
Letterer Steve Haynie
Letterer Bill Oakley
Letterer Albert De Guzman
Cover Artist Alan Davis
Editor Dan Raspler
Editor Mike Gold
Editor Barbara Kesel
Editor Bob Greenberger
Editor Denny O’Neil
Editor Mike Carlin


Deadman Boston Brand
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Captain Marvel Billy Batson
Anthony Mantegna
Captain Nazi Lester Abernathy
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Black Canary Dinah Laurel Lance

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



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