Action Comics, Vol. 1 – Issue 625


Green Lantern: The Law – Hal Jordan is present at the negotiations between two warring races in this sector. It takes some doing, but he finally gets them to sign a peace treaty.Shazam – Billy learns more about the plans the Sons of Valhalla have, including Captain Nazi and their intent to poison the local water supply.Secret Six: For Whom The Toll Builds – The Secret Six have figured out much of Mockingbird’s plan. However, the people they’re tracking have done much to hunt for them.Superman: Out Of The Frying Pan… – Clark Kent and Bob Galt are a lot closer to the Fellowship Elders, but they’re unaware that their movements are being closely monitored.Deadman: Tickle, Tickle – Deadman devises a way to drive the sisters out of the twins, but he’s not well equipped to deal with them after that.Black Canary: Knock ‘Em Dead, Part 2 – Dinah is recovering from her training accident, while someone else’s nefarious plans are set in motion.

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SKU: 437166-DC Comics-Action Comics, Vol. 1-625-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: The Law / Shazam / For Whom The Toll Builds / Out Of The Frying Pan… / Deadman, Part 7: Tickle, Tickle / Knock ’em Dead, Part 2


Writer Dann Thomas
Writer Roger Stern
Writer Martin Pasko
Writer Mike Baron
Writer Sharon Wright
Writer Roy Thomas
Writer James C. Owsley
Penciller Curt Swan
Penciller Randy DuBurke
Penciller Rick Stasi
Penciller Kelley Jones
Penciller Frank Springer
Penciller Mark D. Bright
Inker José Marzan Jr.
Inker Frank McLaughlin
Inker Pablo Marcos
Inker Rick Magyar
Inker Murphy Anderson
Inker Tony DeZuniga
Colorist Gene D’Angelo
Colorist Carl Gafford
Colorist Daniel Vozzo
Colorist Tom Ziuko
Colorist Anthony Tollin
Letterer Jean Simek-Izzo
Letterer Steve Haynie
Letterer Bill Oakley
Letterer Albert De Guzman
Cover Artist Eduardo Barreto
Editor Dan Raspler
Editor Mike Gold
Editor Barbara Kesel
Editor Bob Greenberger
Editor Denny O’Neil
Editor Mike Carlin


Deadman Boston Brand
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Captain Marvel Billy Batson
Mitch Hoberman
La Donna Jameal
Anthony Mantegna
Luke McKendrick
Vic Sommers
Maria Verdugo
Captain Nazi Lester Abernathy
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Black Canary Dinah Laurel Lance

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Weight 0.02 kg


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