Title: Truth To Power, Fiinale / Captain Atom, Finale
Storyarc: Truth To Power
Writer | Greg Rucka |
Writer | Eric S. Trautmann |
Writer | James Robinson |
Artist | Cafu |
Penciller | Pere Pérez |
Inker | Bit |
Colorist | Javier Mena |
Colorist | Santiago Arcas |
Letterer | Rob Leigh |
Cover Artist | Alex Garner |
Editor | Matt Idelson |
Editor | Wil Moss |
Green Lantern | Alan Scott |
Lois Lane |
Mon-El | Lar Gand |
Zatara | Zachary Zatara |
Ron Troupe |
Mordru | Wrynn |
Perry White |
Sonar | Bito Wladon |
Mr. Terrific | Michael Holt |
Flash | Jay Garrick |
Wonder Woman | Diana Prince |
Nightwing | Lor-Zod / Christopher Kent |
Flamebird | Thara Ak-Var |
Captain Atom | Nathaniel Christopher Adam |
Mirabai |
Rao |
Vohc |
Jax-Ur | Vohc-The-Builder |
Lex Luthor |
Dr. Fate | Dr. Kent V. Nelson |