Title: Superman At The Ends Of Days / For My Next Trick…
Writer | Sholly Fisch |
Writer | Grant Morrison |
Penciller | Chris Sprouse |
Penciller | Rags Morales |
Penciller | Brad Walker |
Inker | Karl Story |
Inker | Mark Propst |
Inker | Andrew Hennessey |
Colorist | Brad Anderson |
Colorist | Jordie Bellaire |
Letterer | Taylor Esposito |
Letterer | Steve Wands |
Cover Artist | Rags Morales |
Cover Colorist | Brad Anderson |
Editor | Matt Idelson |
Lana Lang |
Martha Kent |
Jonathan Kent |
Mr. Mxyzptlk |
Superman | Kal-El / Clark Kent |
Metalek |
Nimrod the Hunter | Zarov |
Erik Drekken |
Vyndktvx |
Mrs. Nyxlygsptlnz |