Title: The House of Kent, Part Three
Storyarc: The House of Kent
Writer | Brian Michael Bendis |
Penciller | John Romita, Jr. |
Inker | Klaus Janson |
Colorist | Brad Anderson |
Letterer | Dave Sharpe |
Cover Penciller | John Romita, Jr. |
Cover Inker | Klaus Janson |
Cover Colorist | Brad Anderson |
Editor | Jamie S. Rich |
Editor | Brittany Holzherr |
Editor | Bixie Mathieu |
Editor In Chief | Robert ‘Bob’ Harras |
Lois Lane |
Cameron Chase |
Steve Lombard |
Brainiac 5 | Querl Dox |
Whisper |
Perry White |
James Bartholomew ‘Jimmy’ Olsen |
Dr. Glory |
Superboy | Jonathan ‘Jon’ Samuel Kent |
Superman | Kal-El/Clark Kent |
Supergirl | Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers |
Melody Moore |
Trish Q |
Red Cloud | Robinson Goode |
Superboy | Kon-El/Conner Kent |
Marisol Leone |
Ronald ‘Ron’ Troupe |