Action Comics, Vol. 3 – Issue 1027B


Is Superman on the ropes? An epic battle rages across the skies of Metropolis! The House of Kent, Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, the Legion of Super-Heroes’ Brainiac 5, and Young Justice’s Conner Kent all unite to face an enemy from another dimension unleashed by the Invisible Mafia! This kind of power can lay waste to an entire family of super-people!

All of this plus the future of the Daily Planet revealed! Another epic Superman story for the ages by the team of Bendis, Romita Jr., and Janson!

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SKU: 963252-DC Comics-Action Comics, Vol. 3-1027B-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,



Writer Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller John Romita Jr.
Inker Klaus Janson
Colorist Brad Anderson
Letterer Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist Gary Frank
Editor Jamie S. Rich
Editor In Chief Marie Javins

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count


