Title: The Golden Age, The Golden Age Part Two / The Passenger Part One
Storyarc: The Golden Age
Writer | Becky Cloonan |
Writer | Phillip Kennedy Johnson |
Writer | Michael Conrad |
Artist | Michael Avon Oeming |
Penciller | Phil Hester |
Inker | Eric Gapstur |
Colorist | Taki Soma |
Colorist | Hi-Fi Colour Design |
Letterer | Dave Sharpe |
Cover Penciller | Phil Hester |
Cover Inker | Eric Gapstur |
Cover Colorist | Hi-Fi Colour Design |
Editor | Jamie S. Rich |
Jonathan Kent |
Midnighter | Lucas Trent |
Mongul |
Superman | Kal-El / Clark Kent |
Apollo | Andrew Pulaski |
Superboy | Jon Kent |
Andrej Trojan |