Adventure Comics, Vol. 1 – Issue 335


The Legion meets Lars Hanscom and battles Starfinger, who attempts to steal the wonder drug Rejuvium and to destroy the “Seven Wonders of the 30th Century.” First appearance of Cosmic Boy’s younger brother, Pol Krinn.

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SKU: 64151-DC Comics-Adventure Comics, Vol. 1-335-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Starfinger/ “Superboy’s Underground Exile!”


Writer Ed Hamilton
Penciller John Forte
Inker Sheldon Moldoff
Letterer Milt Snappinn
Cover Penciller Curt Swan
Cover Inker George Klein
Editor Mort Weisinger


Sun Boy Dirk Morgna
Element Lad Jan Arrah
Mon-El Lar Gand
Lightning Lad Garth Ranzz
Phantom Girl Tinya Wazzo
Light Lass Ayla Ranzz
Colossal Boy Gim Allon
Magnetic Kid Pol Krinn
Starfinger Char Burrane
Brainiac 5 Querl Dox
Cosmic Boy Rokk Krinn
Ultra Boy Jo Nah
Invisible Kid Lyle Norg
Star Boy Thom Kallor
Superboy Kal-El / Clark Kent
Saturn Girl Imra Ardeen
Matter Eater Lad Tenzel Kim
Commissioner Desmond Wilson
Ewa Krinn
Hu Krinn

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Weight 0.02 kg



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