Title: Last Stand of New Krypton, Part Six: Divided, Conquerable
Crossover: Last Stand of New Krypton
Writer | Eric S. Trautmann |
Writer | Sterling Gates |
Writer | James Robinson |
Artist | Pier Gallo |
Penciller | Travis Moore |
Penciller | Eduardo Pansica |
Inker | Julio Ferreira |
Inker | Eber Ferreira |
Colorist | Pete Pantazis |
Colorist | Kevin ‘Blond’ Senft |
Letterer | Steve Wands |
Cover Artist | Joe Quinones |
Editor | Matt Idelson |
Mon-El | Lar Gand |
Chameleon Boy | Reep Daggle |
Ursa |
Quislet |
Superboy | Kon-El / Conner Kent |
Az-Rel |
Alura Zor-El |
Nadira Va-Dim |
Samuel Lane |
Zod | Dru-Zod |
Officer Romundi | Car-Vex |
Lex Luthor |
Superman | Kal-El / Clark Kent |