Agent 47: Birth of the Hitman – Issue 2A


As they travel across the globe on another mission, Subject 47 and his brother 6 begin to assemble their plan of attack against the Institute that made them who they are. A war on both their surrogate family of fellow subjects and a potential future spent as living weapons under someone else’s control. While Diana Burnwood’s new life in London has begun to blossom and her secret vendetta finds a new sponsor in the form of a crime boss all too eager to teach her new protege a few tricks how to get her hands dirty.

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SKU: 799623-Dynamite Entertainment-Agent 47: Birth of the Hitman-2A-Comic Category: Tags: ,



Writer Christopher Sebela
Artist Ariel Medel
Colorist Omi Remalante
Letterer Thomas Napolitano
Cover Artist Jonathan Lau
Cover Colorist Omi Remalante
Editor Anthony Marques

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
