Agon – Issue 1


(W) Scott Burn (A) Pablo Churin (C) Sean Chen Earth receives a broadcast from an extremely advanced alien species in the form of a mysterious and frightening blood-red rain storm. Humans are offered a simple choice: compete in an ancient interplanetary combat ritual or watch as Earth is methodically destroyed. Ten warriors must now be chosen to fight in a battle that pits highly evolved species from various worlds against one another. This ancient and deadly tournament will ultimately decide the fate of our planet. It is time to fight for humanity, it is time for AGON.

1 in stock



Writer Scott Burn
Penciller Paul Roper
Colorist Studio Cirque
Letterer Jim Campbell
Cover Artist Sean Chen
Cover Colorist Nei Ruffino
Editor Ralph Tedesco

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
