All-New Invaders – Issue 4


‘GODS AND SOLDIERS’ PART FOUR – THE INVADERS incursion into Hala, the Kree Homeworld, has begun…and already our heroes are in trouble. – Now the team must fight a Kree-controlled God, but which God? From which pantheon? And how can they defeat an immortal with unlimited power? – See NAMOR unleashed, CAPTAIN AMERICA fight and THE HUMAN TORCH turn up the heat!!! – And what is the dangerous side mission that only WINTER SOLDIER and AARKUS THE GOLDEN AGE VISION can complete?

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SKU: 882183-Marvel Comics-All-New Invaders-4-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: God and Soldiers, Part Four

Storyarc: God and Soldiers


Writer James Robinson
Artist Steve Pugh
Colorist Guru eFX
Letterer Cory Petit
Cover Artist Mukesh Singh
Editor Mark Paniccia
Editor In Chief Axel Alonso


Bucky James Buchanan Barnes
Human Torch Jim Hammond
Ikaris Ike Harris
Union Jack Brian Falsworth
Scarlet Scarab Abdul Faoul
Master Man Wilhelm Lohmer
Captain America Steve Rogers
Spitfire Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton
Toro Thomas Raymond
Vision Aarkus
Agent Axis Hiroyuki/Aldo/Berthold Kanegawa/Malvagio/Volker
Supreme Intelligence Supremor
U-Man Meranno
Winter Soldier James Buchanan Barnes
Sub-Mariner Namor McKenzie
Lady Lotus
Warrior Woman Freida Ratsel
Tanalth the Pursuer
Giganto (Atlantean Beast)
Teutonic Knight

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
