Angel: After the Fall – Issue 16A


Wolfram and Hart have put Angel through the ringer. They’ve twisted his quest, manipulated the world and Angel to their own agendas, they’ve trapped his friends in personal hells, they’ve killed his closest compatriots, and they’ve brought his city down into Hell itself. In fact, in their quest to further their own plot at his expense, they’ve done everything but actually kill Angel. When faced with the latest unstoppable horde, Angel realizes something significant: in their quest to further their own plot at his expense, Wolfram and Hart have done everything but actually KILL him. This revelation puts him on a new path to set things right.

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SKU: 85325-IDW Publishing-Angel: After the Fall-16A-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Angel: After the Fall

Storyarc: Angel: After the Fall


Writer Brian Lynch
Plotter Joss Whedon
Plotter Brian Lynch
Artist Franco Urru
Colorist Fabio Mantovani
Letterer Robbie Robbins
Cover Artist Alex Garner
Editor Chris Ryall


Charles Gunn
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Connor Angel
Spike William Pratt
Angel Liam / Angelus / Angel

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
