Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Pleasures – Issue 5


Anita’s day begins with a trip to the offices of Animators, Inc. and a confrontation with her boss, Bert, about her recent assignment with the vampires. She tells Bert she won’t work with vampires–ever again! Anita manages to enrage a fellow co-worker when she offers anti-vampire information to a mother whose son is considering joining the Church of Eternal Life. The Church is run by vampires and offers eternal life, in the form of changing its congregation into vampires. After having it out with the co-worker, Anita is faced with Phillip, the vampire junkie from Guilty Pleasures the night before. Over breakfast, Phillip provides Anita with information on how Nikolaos punishes her minions that fail her–she puts them in coffins and uses crosses to keep them in there. Anita fears this may have happened to Jean-Claude because he intervened on her behalf. Phillip goes along with Anita to question Rebecca Miles, who was the “property” of one of the murdered vampires. After a misunderstanding that results in Rebecca attacking Anita, Anita learns that the murdered vampire was a regular at Freak Parties, where vampire junkies allow vampires to feed from them. Anita decides to crash one of parties for information, since it appears the murdered vampires all frequented the parties, and Phillip agrees to go with her to show her the ropes, since he used to frequent the parites himself. Anita takes Phillip home and then heads to Dead Dave’s bar for more answers.

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SKU: 71822-Marvel Comics-Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Pleasures-5-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Guilty Pleasures, Guilty Pleasures, Part 5

Storyarc: Guilty Pleasures


Writer Laurell K. Hamilton
Writer Stacie M. Ritchie
Artist Brett Booth
Colorist Imaginary Friends Studio
Letterer Simon Bowland
Letterer Bill Tortolini
Cover Artist Brett Booth
Editor Mark Paniccia
Editor Sean J. Jordan
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada
Editor In Chief Matt Hansen


Anita Blake
Bert Vaughn

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
