Avengers Assemble, Vol. 2 (2012) – Issue 25


ALL-OUT WAR IN NEW YORK CITY! – The demented Dr. June Covington has taken on A.I.M., and is winning. The Avengers are caught in the middle of this Mad Science War! – But, now, this situation is more important — because there’s a second Terrigen cocoon in New York, ticking like a time bomb, about to go off, Covington wants it and A.I.M. has it. – SPIDER-GIRL, who has been mentored by the Avengers in her search for her teacher, abducted by Covington for Nefarious Genetic Purposes, now leads the charge, as the Avengers Assemble to end this conflict before the Terrigen cocoon explodes and New York is doooooomed.

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SKU: 147213-Marvel Comics-Avengers Assemble, Vol. 2 (2012)-25-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,



Writer Warren Ellis
Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick
Artist Neil Edwards
Artist Raffaele Ienco
Penciller Matteo Buffagni
Inker David Meikis
Colorist Ruth Redmond
Letterer Clayton Cowles
Cover Artist Jorge Molina
Cover Colorist Jorge Molina
Editor Tom Brevoort
Editor Lauren Sankovitch
Editor In Chief Axel Alonso


Spider-Woman Jessica Drew
Captain America Steve Rogers
Hawkeye Clint Barton
Black Widow Natasha Romanoff
Iron Man Anthony ‘Tony’ Stark
Spider-Girl Anya Corazón
A.I.M. Advanced Idea Mechanics
Wolverine Logan / James Howlett
Captain Marvel Carol Danvers
Hyperion (Earth-13034) Marcus ‘Mark’ Milton
Toxie Doxie June Covington
Hulk Robert Bruce Banner

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Weight 0.02 kg

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