Title: The Abyss, Part 2: Old And New Enemies / They Make Great Pets
Storyarc: The Abyss
Writer | Karl Kerschl |
Writer | Joshua Williamson |
Artist | Karl Kerschl |
Artist | Jorge Molina |
Artist | Mikel Janín |
Artist | Adriano Di Benedetto |
Artist | Artist Writer |
Colorist | John Rauch |
Colorist | Jorge Molina |
Colorist | Tomeu Morey |
Colorist | Adriano Di Benedetto |
Letterer | Karl Kerschl |
Letterer | Clayton Cowles |
Letterer | Tomeu Morey |
Cover Artist | Jorge Molina |
Editor | Dan Hipp |
Editor | Ben Abernathy |
Editor | Dave Wielgosz |
Editor In Chief | Dave Wielgosz |
Lex Luthor |
Abyss |
Batman | Bruce Wayne |
Detective Cayha |
Robin | Mia Mizoguchi |