Blood Queen Annual 2014 – Issue 1


Covers: Fabiano Neves Writer: Troy Brownfield Art: Fritz Casas Years before the rise of the Blood Queen, the king’s father fought a great battle to protect the witches and the Daughters of the Line. When another kingdom makes a bid to exterminate the witch class, King Tibor stands against this monstrous cruelty. His defiance leads to open war, setting the stage for events that are unfolding monthly in the pages of THE BLOOD QUEEN. Watch as the lines are drawn, as magic and steel chose sides, and as the destinies of kingdoms are decided! But then, what about Elizabeth and The Elder? How did the woman that will become the Blood Queen come into the Elder’s keeping? Witness the pivotal events that began Elizabeth’s mission and set her on a dark road. It’s all here in GHOSTS OF WAR, THE BLOOD QUEEN ANNUAL.

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SKU: 604211-Dynamite Entertainment-Blood Queen Annual 2014-1-Comic Category: Tags: ,



Writer Troy Brownfield
Writer Dan Wickline
Artist Noah Salonga
Artist Fritz Casas
Artist Carlos Reno
Colorist Kirsty Swan
Colorist Valentina Pinto
Letterer Marshall Dillon
Cover Artist Fabiano Neves

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
