Crossed: Badlands – Issue 24A


Cover: Raulo Caceres Writer: David Lapham Art: Miguel Garrido Amanda cracks and gives in to the insanity around her becoming one of the Livers. But the Rat King is determined to feast upon the band of unlikely survivors while a separate lunatic reality plays out in the fragile minds of the disturbed trio. It is resurrection day for the demented group…and that means becoming something new and embracing the insanity for as long as it lasts. Available with a Regular, Torture covers by Raulo Caceres, Wraparound cover by Gianluca Pagliarani, and a special Red Crossed Incentive by Caceres.

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SKU: 185190-Avatar Press-Crossed: Badlands-24A-Comic Category: Tags: , ,



Writer David Lapham
Artist Miguel A. Ruiz
Colorist Digikore Studios
Letterer Jaymes Reed
Cover Artist Raulo Caceres
Cover Colorist Digikore Studios
Editor Mark Seifert
Editor In Chief William Christensen

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
