Cyclops, Vol. 1 – Issue 2


Cyclops stows aboard Juggernaut and Black Tom‘s plane but the engines are cut out by their boss for failing to capture him. Juggernaut and Tom jump free and Cyclops attempts to fly the plane. Just as its about to crash the plane is transported to the Savage Land. Cyclops leaves the plane and is attacked by Ulysses. They fight, but Ulysses renders himself invisible. Cyclops runs and crosses a path of a T-Rex, which is able to smell Ulysses, and starts to eat him. Cyclops saves him and finds out why Ulysses wants to kill him before stealing Cyclops’s visor. Cyclops runs for cover in a cave and can only save himself by blasting the ceiling, caving himself in. Ulysses tells him that he is going to kill his teammates.

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SKU: 59113-Marvel Comics-Cyclops, Vol. 1-2-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Odyssey, Chapter 2: Eye Of The Storm

Storyarc: Odyssey


Writer Brian K. Vaughan
Penciller Mark Texeira
Inker Jimmy Palmiotti
Colorist Transparency Digital
Letterer Chris Eliopoulos
Editor Mike Marts


Juggernaut Cain Marko
Cyclops Scott Summers
Black Tom Cassidy

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
