Detective Comics Annual, Vol. 1 – Issue 5


Bruce Gordon has come to Gotham, seeking to gather the black-diamond shards that hold the essence of Eclipso. Batman has recovered one, and the other two rest in the evidence lockup of the Gotham Police as part of an attempted heist. Commissioner Gordon goes to retrieve them for Dr. Gordon, but tonight of all nights he shelters a strong anger in his heart. It’s been one year since the Joker shot his niece, leaving her paralyzed. And he’s just been broken out of Arkham.

3 in stock


Title: Eclipso: The Darkness Within, Acts Of Madness

Crossover: Eclipso: The Darkness Within


Writer John Wagner
Writer Alan Grant
Penciller Tom Mandrake
Inker Tom Mandrake
Inker Rick Magyar
Inker Jan Duursema
Colorist Adrienne Roy
Letterer Todd Klein
Letterer Bill Oakley
Cover Artist Sam Kieth
Editor Denny O’Neil


Alfred Pennyworth
Oracle Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Eclipso Bruce Gordon
James Gordon
Lieutenant Kitch
Batman Bruce Wayne
Ventriloquist Arnold Wesker

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
