Detective Comics, Vol. 1 – Issue 589


Webley informs Batman that he was hired by Kadaver to kill the homeless man; Kadaver holds hostage the man that hired him to kill the homeless man, looking to extort him for millions; Batman and Corrosive Man arrive at Kadaver’s lair at the same time; Corrosive Man burns a palm print into Kadaver’s face before ultimately falling into a pit of quicklime which neutralized his corrosive nature.

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SKU: 98390-DC Comics-Detective Comics, Vol. 1-589-Comic Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Title: Night People, Part 3: The Burning Pit / For The Love Of Ivy

Storyarc: Night People


Writer John Wagner
Writer Alan Grant
Writer Lewis Klahr
Writer Steve Piersall
Artist Norm Breyfogle
Penciller Dean Haspiel
Inker Denis Rodier
Colorist Dan McKinnon
Colorist Adrienne Roy
Letterer Todd Klein
Letterer Dan McKinnon
Cover Artist Norm Breyfogle
Editor Denny O’Neil


Kadaver Mortimer Kadaver
Poison Ivy Pamela Isley
Corrosive Man Derek Mitchell
Batman Bruce Wayne

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg



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