Dial H For HERO – Issue 12


Miguel must face his most dangerous opponent yet-himself! With the fate of the Multiverse hanging in the balance, Miguel must battle his literal dark side. Will he and Summer survive the experience? And will the power of the H-Dial be lost for-ever? Find out in the thrilling conclusion to this innovative series!

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SKU: 946210-DC Comics-Dial H For HERO-12-Comic Category: Tags: ,


Title: Dial F For Finale!


Writer Sam Humphries
Penciller Joseph ‘Joe’ Quinones, Jr.
Inker Joseph ‘Joe’ Quinones, Jr.
Colorist Jordan Gibson
Colorist Joseph ‘Joe’ Quinones, Jr.
Letterer Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist Joseph ‘Joe’ Quinones, Jr.
Editor Jamie S. Rich
Editor Brittany Holzherr
Editor In Chief Robert ‘Bob’ Harras

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
