Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Year Two – Issue 16A


The epic finale of the tenth Doctor’s second year continues in a story so big, we had to give it two extra issues! The emergence of the Time Sentinel! The return of an ancient entity long thought dead! Anubis trapped between this universe and the next! A galaxy of impossible possibilities! Companions locked in mortal combat! Gabby’s mysterious powers in full flow! And at the heart of it all, the Doctor, with the lives of billions in his hands! As the universe shatters and time starts to die, can the last son of Gallifrey win the game by changing the rules? You won’t believe his answer! Be back here next month as Year Two ends in flames!

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SKU: 714973-Titan Books-Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Year Two-16A-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Old Girl: War of Gods, Part 4

Storyarc: Old Girl: War of Gods


Writer Nick Abadzis
Artist Giorgia Sposito
Colorist Hi-Fi
Letterer Comicraft
Letterer Jimmy Betancourt
Letterer Richard Starkings
Cover Artist Claudia Caranfa
Editor Andrew James

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
