Earth 2: Society – Issue 20


On the streets of New Metropolis, the Wonders battle the army of Sandmen sent to destroy them. But on this reborn world, no one recognizes the heroes, and their presence sends the citizens into a panic. Behind the scenes, the identity of the world-ruling Director is revealed. And he has a secret weapon that’s equally shocking. RATED T

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SKU: 724124-DC Comics-Earth 2: Society-20-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: The Final Fate Of Earth 2, Part Four: Ultra-Humanity – Ultra-Humanity

Storyarc: The Final Fate Of Earth 2


Writer Dan Abnett
Artist Vicente Cifuentes
Colorist Rex Lokus
Letterer Travis Lanham
Cover Artist Bruno Redondo
Cover Colorist Alejandro Sanchez
Editor Rob Levin
Editor Jim Chadwick


Flash (Earth-2) Jay Garrick
Huntress (Earth-2) Helena Wayne
Green Lantern (Earth-2) Alan Scott
Power Girl (Earth-2) Kara / Karen Zor-L / Starr
Sandman (Earth-2) Wesley Dodds
Hawkgirl (Earth-2) Kendra Munoz-Saunders
Red Tornado (Earth-2) Lois Lane
Superman (Earth-2) Val-Zod
Batman (Earth-2) Dick Grayson
Ultra-Humanite (Earth-2)
Firepattern (Earth-2) John Grayson
Fury (Earth-2) Donna
Sergeant Steel (Earth-2)

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

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