Earth 2: World’s End – Issue 2


Huntress and Power Girl returned to Earth 2 to help save it from the threat of Apokolips, but even their combined power isn’t enough to protect against the first of four furies from that deadly world: the girl known as War.

3 in stock

SKU: 268000-DC Comics-Earth 2: World's End-2-Comic Category: Tags: ,


Title: Drums Of War


Writer Mike Johnson
Writer Marguerite Bennett
Writer Daniel H. Wilson
Plotter Daniel H. Wilson
Artist Jorge Jimenez
Penciller Eddy Barrows
Penciller Tyler Kirkham
Penciller Paulo Siqueira
Inker Cam Smith
Inker Eber Ferreira
Inker Joe Weems
Colorist Michael Atiyeh
Letterer Dezi Sienty
Layouts Scott McDaniel
Cover Penciller Ardian Syaf
Cover Inker Vicente Cifuentes
Cover Colorist Kyle Ritter
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor Mike Cotton
Editor Rickey Purdin


Big Barda Barda Free
Mr. Terrific Michael Holt
Flash (Earth-2) Jay Garrick
Green Lantern (Earth-2) Alan Scott
Power Girl Kara / Karen Zor-L / Starr
Huntress Helena Wayne
Jimmy Olsen (Earth-2)
Mr. Miracle Scott Free
Amir Khan (Earth-2)
Mr. 8 (Earth-2) Terry Sloan
Hawkgirl (Earth-2) Kendra Munoz-Saunders
Fury (Earth-2)
Dr. Fate (Earth-2) Khalid Ben-Hassin
Sonia Sato (Earth-2)
Bedlam (Earth-2)
Red Tornado (Earth-2) Lois Lane
Aquawoman (Earth-2) Marella
Batman (Earth-2) Thomas Wayne
Val-Zod (Earth-2)

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Weight 0.02 kg

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