Fallen Angel: Return of the Son – Issue 2A


Peter David (w) ? J.K. Woodward (a & c) Enoch has returned. Enoch, the oldest living being to walk the Earth, and the only former Magistrate to walk freely beyond the confines of Bete Noire. Both the Fallen Angel and her son, Jude, want to know how he’s managed it, each for their own reasons. But the answer could mean the beginning of the end for Bete Noire… and possibly everything else. FC ? 32 pages

2 in stock

SKU: 257750-IDW Publishing-Fallen Angel: Return of the Son-2A-Comic Category: Tag:



Writer Peter David
Artist J.K. Woodward
Letterer Shawn Lee
Cover Artist J.K. Woodward
Editor Chris Ryall

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg



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Release Year
