Fantastic Force, Vol. 1 – Issue 3


Written by JOE AHEARNE Penciled by STEVE KURTH Cover by BRYAN HITCH Alex Ultron is in pieces and Banner Jr. has been turned against his teammates. It’s a bad time for the Fantastic Force to face three of the most powerful women in the universe: Dark Phoenix, the Scarlet Witch and Polaris! The Hysteries, wrenched from their timeline at their maximum moment of betrayal and insanity, have been summoned to destroy Nu-World and the Fantastic Force are the only super heroes on this brave new planet to stand in their way…if they can even stand! 32 PGS./Rated T+ ?$2.99

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SKU: 175918-Marvel Comics-Fantastic Force, Vol. 1-3-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Seek And Ye Shall Find!


Writer Tom Brevoort
Writer Mike Kanterovich
Penciller Dante Bastianoni
Inker Ralph Cabrera
Inker Don Hudson
Colorist John Kalisz
Colorist Bob Sharen
Letterer John E. Workman
Cover Artist Dante Bastianoni
Editor Ralph Macchio
Editor Mike Rockwitz
Editor In Chief Tom DeFalco


Franklin Richards
Vibraxas N’Kano II
Huntara Tara Richards
Lord Moses Amadeus Strom
Isaac Sandor
Paul Alvarez
Sonia Wu

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



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