Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds – Issue 1B


Superman-Prime has landed in the future following the events of the Sinestro Corps War. He soon learns of the influence Superman has had, along with the impact of the Legion of Super Heroes. He’s not happy with recorded history, particularly as it pertains to him, and takes immediate action to turn things around.

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SKU: 212764-DC Comics-Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds-1B-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Final Crisis – Legion of 3 Worlds, Book One

Storyarc: Legion of 3 Worlds

Crossover: Final Crisis


Writer Geoff Johns
Penciller George Pérez
Inker Scott Koblish
Colorist Hi-Fi Colour Design
Letterer Nick J. Napolitano
Cover Artist George Pérez
Cover Colorist Hi-Fi Colour Design
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor Adam Schlagman


Polar Boy Brek Bannin
Saturn Queen Eve Aries
Sun Boy Dirk Morgna
Invisible Kid Jacques Foccart
Lightning Lass Ayla Ranzz
Mon-El Lar Gand
Lightning Lad Garth Ranzz
Phantom Girl Tinya Wazzo
Colossal Boy Gim Allon
Lightning Lord Mekt Ranzz
Shrinking Violet Salu Digby
Night Girl Lydda Jath
Brainiac 5 Querl Dox
Cosmic Boy Rokk Krinn
Ultra Boy Jo Nah
Timber Wolf Brin Londo
Marella Tao
Shadow Lass Tasmia Mallor
Time Trapper
Leland McCauley
Karate Kid Myg
Cosmic King Laever Bolto
Chameleon Girl Yera Allon
Brainiac 6
Saturn Girl Imra Ardeen-Ranzz
Rene Jacques ‘R.J.’ Brande
Zod Dru-Zod
Superboy-Prime Clark Kent
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
