Flash, Vol. 5 – Issue 81A


“The Hunter and the Hunted” part two! This is one issue you cannot miss! The last gasp of the Speed Force! Can Barry Allen and Hunter Zolomon work together long enough to beat death and save the Speed Force? Can Kid Flash and Avery, the Flash of China, discover what the Rogues want within the wreckage of Iron Heights? Even if the Flash survives, nothing will ever be the same again for the Flash family!

5 in stock

SKU: 912577-DC Comics-Flash, Vol. 5-81A-Comic Category: Tags: , ,


Title: Death and the Speed Force, Conclusion

Storyarc: Death and the Speed Force


Writer Joshua Williamson
Artist Scott Kolins
Colorist Luis Guerrero
Letterer Steve Wands
Cover Penciller Rafa Sandoval
Cover Inker Jordi Tarragona
Cover Colorist Tomeu Morey
Editor Paul Kaminski


Flash Barry Allen
Zoom Hunter Zolomon
Kid Flash Wally West II
Flash of China Avery Ho

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
