Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – Issue 12


As parents protest Peter Parker’s teaching position, a new Mysterio strikes by attacking Peter at school, surrounding the building in a cloud that the police are unable to penetrate. However, this attack has drawn other Mysterios out. Both Daniel Beckhart, and the deceased Quentin Beck are drawn to the school. Beckhart enters the fight with the intention of putting this new pretender down. But how and why is Quentin Beck here?

2 in stock

SKU: 378783-Marvel Comics-Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man-12-Comic Category: Tags: , ,


Title: Spider-Man Unmasked – I Hate A Mystery, Part 2

Storyarc: I Hate A Mystery

Crossover: Spider-Man Unmasked


Writer Peter David
Penciller Todd Nauck
Inker Robert Campanella
Colorist Lee Loughridge
Letterer Cory Petit
Cover Penciller Mike Wieringo
Cover Inker Mike Manley
Cover Colorist Paul Mounts
Editor Axel Alonso
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Mysterio Francis Klum
Eugene ‘Flash’ Thompson
Mysterio Daniel Berkhart
Miss Arrow Ero
Spider-Man Peter Parker
Mary Jane Watson-Parker
Mysterio Quentin Beck

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
