Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – Issue 20


Time is running short for ‘Miss Arrow, the spider-being created by the nature of Peter’s rebirth. In order to insure her survival she has to mate, and she’s set her sights on Flash Thompson but he’s constantly surrounded by other women. The need to mate is overpowering, and ultimately would be the end of Flash. Can Peter find out what’s going on in time to save his friend’s life?

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SKU: 378789-Marvel Comics-Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man-20-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Back In Black, Running Out Of Time

Crossover: Back In Black


Writer Peter David
Penciller Todd Nauck
Inker Robert Campanella
Colorist John Kalisz
Letterer Cory Petit
Cover Artist Tomm Coker
Editor Stephen Wacker
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Betty Brant
Eugene ‘Flash’ Thompson
Miss Arrow Ero
Spider-Man Peter Parker
Mary Jane Watson-Parker
May Parker

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
