G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Marvel) – Issue 3A


An inert and dismantled robot is brought into the Pit, where it’s being studied. In a rare moment when it’s alone, it locks down the Pit and assembles itself, programmed to fight its way to the surface and transmit a homing signal to bring Cobra down on the Joes. With most of the team trapped under lockdown, there is very little resistance ready to stop it.

1 in stock


Title: The Trojan Gambit


Writer Larry Hama
Penciller Herb Trimpe
Inker Jack Abel
Inker John D’Agostino
Colorist George Roussos
Letterer Diana Albers
Editor Tom DeFalco


G.I. Joe
Cobra Commander
Hawk Clayton M. Abernathy
Scarlett Shana M. O’Hara
Stalker Lonzo R. Wilkinson
Breaker Alvin R. Kibbey
Clutch Lance J. Steinberg
James Longstreet Flagg II
Flash Anthony S. Gambello
Rock ‘N’ Roll Craig S. McConnel
Steeler Ralph W. Pulaski
Zap Rafael J. Melendez

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

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