Green Arrow / Black Canary – Issue 4


As Oliver and his family escaped Themyscira, Connor was struck down from a bullet fired from the skies. Desperate to save his son, and miles from anyplace where they could find help, he calls out for Clark’s help. Superman reaches the boat, carrying Connor to aid. The Justice League gathers to show Oliver support, before resuming the search for clues as to the would-be assasin’s identity. But Oliver is beyond consolation. This crisis has forced him to realize that he’s never truly been a father to Connor. And now, when he might never see his son again, Dinah, Roy and Speedy try to reach him through his regrets.

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SKU: 240331-DC Comics-Green Arrow / Black Canary-4-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Dead Again, Conclusion: Please Play Where Daddy Can See You.

Storyarc: Dead Again


Writer Judd Winick
Artist Cliff Chiang
Colorist Trish Mulvihill
Letterer Pat Brosseau
Cover Artist Cliff Chiang
Editor Mike Carlin
Editor In Chief Dan DiDio


Lois Lane
Green Arrow Oliver Queen
Red Arrow Roy Harper
Red Tornado Ulthoon / John Smith
Hawkgirl Kendra Saunders
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Geo-Force Brion Markov
Perry White
Jimmy Olsen
Green Arrow Connor Hawke
Speedy Mia Dearden
Vixen Mari Jiwe McCabe
Black Lightning Jefferson Pierce
Batman Bruce Wayne
Wonder Woman Diana
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent
Black Canary Dinah Laurel Lance

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

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