Green Lantern, Vol. 2 – Issue 218


The Lanterns survive the trip through the black hole to a sector populated by creatures who have killed Green Lanterns before. The fracas also gives Kilowog the opportunity to reveal his secret, leading the team on a new mission that suffers from an outside attack.

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SKU: 255612-DC Comics-Green Lantern, Vol. 2-218-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Inside Some Other Skies


Writer Steve Englehart
Penciller Bill Willingham
Inker Mark Farmer
Colorist Anthony Tollin
Letterer Augustin Mas
Cover Penciller Bill Willingham
Cover Inker Bruce D. Patterson
Editor Andrew Helfer


Green Lantern John Stewart
Green Lantern Katma Tui
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Green Lantern Driq
Green Lantern Olapet
Green Lantern Flodo Span
Green Lantern Kilowog
Green Lantern Arisia Rrab
Sinestro Thaal Sinestro

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
