Green Lantern, Vol. 4 – Issue 26


In the wake of the Sinestro Corps War, the Guardians continue to enact new laws. The second law leads to the creation of the Alpha Lanterns, about which no more is revealed at this time. Hal pays Sinestro a visit, to let him know that he’s not just a prisoner, but that he’s on death row now that lethal force has been approved. After this, Hal returns to Earth, where he and the other human Lanterns are working to rebuild what was destroyed in the War. Some of the Lost Lanterns unsuccessfully research the Blackest Night in the Book of Oa, while others seek to inform Ke’Haan’s family of his death. When they arrive to do so, they discover Ke’Haan’s family has been slaughtered by Amon Sur of the Sinestro Corps, who then willingly surrenders, only to be killed by Green Lantern Laira Omoto.

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SKU: 248357-DC Comics-Green Lantern, Vol. 4-26-Comic Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Title: The Sinestro Corps War – The Alpha-Lanterns, Part 1

Storyarc: The Alpha-Lanterns

Crossover: The Sinestro Corps War


Writer Geoff Johns
Penciller Mike McKone
Inker Marlo Alquiza
Inker Cam Smith
Inker Andy Lanning
Colorist Jonathan D. Smith
Letterer Rob Leigh
Cover Penciller Mike McKone
Cover Inker Andy Lanning
Cover Colorist Bill ‘Moose’ Baumann
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor In Chief Dan DiDio


Green Lantern John Stewart
Green Lantern Tomar-Tu
Green Lantern Graf Toren
Green Lantern Laira Omoto
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Green Lantern Boodikka
Green Lantern Hannu
Alpha Lantern Boodikka
Alpha Lantern Chaselon
Alpha Lantern Varix
Guardians of the Universe
Jillian ‘Cowgirl’ Pearlman
Alpha Lantern Kraken
Alpha Lantern Green Man
Green Lantern Salaak
Sinestro Thaal Sinestro
Lyssa Drak (Sinestro Corps)
Amon Sur (Sinestro Corps)

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

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