Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps – Issue 19A


“THE PRISM OF TIME” part two! A mysterious time traveler arrives wearing a Green Lantern ring given to him by one of the Corps in the future? Locked within this ring are secrets that will either save the Green Lanterns or eradicate them. RATED T

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SKU: 743732-DC Comics-Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps-19A-Comic Category: Tags: ,


Title: The Prism of Time, Part Two: Ripped From The Future

Storyarc: The Prism of Time


Writer Robert Venditti
Penciller V. Ken Marion
Inker Dexter Vines
Colorist Dinei Ribeiro
Letterer Dave Sharpe
Cover Penciller Robson Rocha
Cover Inker Daniel Henriques
Cover Colorist Tomeu Morey
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor Mike Cotton
Editor Andrew Marino


Green Lantern John Stewart
Rip Hunter
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
Green Lantern Arisia Rrab
Green Lantern Kilowog
Green Lantern Voz
Green Lantern Salaak
Green Lantern Gorin-Sunn
Green Lantern Mogo
Soranik Natu (Sinestro Corps)
Space Ape (Sinestro Corps) Lorix

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg


Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
