Heroic Age: One Month to Live – Issue 2


Dennis has powers, and needs to decide what to do with them. He’s trying to be a hero and fight the good fight, but in his neighborhood, that attracts the wrong kind of attention, which is especially dangerous to his family.

4 in stock

SKU: 60907-Marvel Comics-Heroic Age: One Month to Live-2-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: One Week to Live, Week Two

Storyarc: One Week to Live


Writer Rob Williams
Penciller Koi Turnbull
Penciller Shawn Moll
Inker Mark Irwin
Inker Allen Martinez
Colorist Andres Mossa
Letterer Dave Lanphear
Cover Artist Michael del Mundo
Editor Stephen Wacker
Editor Alejandro Arbona
Editor In Chief Joe Quesada


Hammerhead (Marvel) Joseph
Spider-Man Peter Parker
Invisible Woman Susan Storm-Richards
Human Torch Jonathan ‘Johnny’ Storm
Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards
Mr. Negative Martin Li
Abbey Sykes
Flux Dennis Sykes
Kelly Sykes
Thing Benjamin J. Grimm

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
