Infinity Inc., Vol. 1 – Issue 11


In the wake of the war against the Ultra-Humanite, the Star-Spangled Kid remembers an encounter which took place only weeks ago, in which he renewed acquaintances with his old partner Stripesy and helped him fight a gang of crooks holding Stripesy’s son hostage.

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SKU: 289708-DC Comics-Infinity Inc., Vol. 1-11-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Aftermath– And Prologue


Writer Roy Thomas
Plotter Dann Thomas
Penciller George Tuska
Penciller Don Newton
Inker Mike Machlan
Inker Tony DeZuniga
Colorist Adrienne Roy
Colorist Anthony Tollin
Letterer John Clark
Letterer David Cody Weiss
Cover Artist Jerry Ordway
Editor Roy Thomas


Green Lantern Alan Scott
Infinity Inc.
Northwind Norda Cantrell
Shining Knight Sir Justin Arthur
Stripesy Pat Dugan
Speedy (Earth-2) Roy Harper
Jade (Earth-2) Jennifer-Lynn Hayden
Silver Scarab (Earth-2) Hector Hall
Nuklon (Earth-2) Albert Rothstein
Obsidian (Earth-2) Todd Rice
Northwind (Earth-2) Norda Cantrell
Hawkman (Earth-2) Carter Hall
Star-Spangled Kid (Earth-2) Sylvester Pemberton Jr.
Wonder Woman (Earth-2) Diana Prince
Brainwave Jr. (Earth-2) Henry King Jr.
Wonder Woman (Earth-2) Diana Prince-Trevor
Atom (Earth-2) Al Pratt
Superman (Earth-2) Kal-L / Clark Kent
Green Arrow (Earth-2) Oliver Queen
Green Lantern (Earth-2) Alan Scott
Power Girl Kara / Karen Zor-L / Starr
Brainwave Jr. Henry King Jr.
Dr. Mid-Nite Charles McNider
Fury (Earth-2) Hippolyta ‘Lyta’ Trevor-Hall

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

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