Infinity Inc., Vol. 2 – Issue 2


John Henry enlists Superman’s help in trying to find his niece Natasha who literally vanished before his eyes but he has no luck.A friend of Natasha, Sally Dwyer, who was also part of the Everyman Project, has stopped taking her medication and is again hearing the voices of the dead. She and her father watch a news report concerning the death of the Smith family and the missing survivor – and suspect – Dale Smith. John Henry finds Hope Taya, the ex-bodyguard of Lex Luthor, in the hopes that she can help him find more information about the Everyman Project but she refuses. Sally is picked up by Kid Empty who feels a connection with her. John Henry meets Nuklon and Fury, questioning them about their powers and whether they are exhibiting any new ones; Nuklon’s double enters the room and suggests that John try to contact Sally Dwyer. While speaking to Sally’s father on the phone, John hears movement in his house and sees a shadowy figure. Outside the Dwyer’s home, Kid Empty reveals to Sally that he’s Dale Smith just as John Henry arrives there, preventing him killing her but only by turning the Kid’s attack on himself.

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SKU: 290356-DC Comics-Infinity Inc., Vol. 2-2-Comic Category: Tags: , , , ,


Title: Luthor’s Monsters, Part 2

Storyarc: Luthor’s Monsters


Writer Peter Milligan
Artist Max Fiumara
Colorist Dominic Regan
Letterer Pat Brosseau
Editor Matt Idelson


Starlight Natasha Irons
John Henry Irons
Fury Erik Storn
Kid Empty Dale Smith
Nuklon Gerome McKenna
Superman Kal-El / Clark Kent

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
