Ion – Issue 11


Ion’s mother is dying and GL Guy Gardner drafts in GL’s Kilowog and Soranik Natu in an attempt to heal her.On an asteroid full of dead Qwardian Weaponers, Ion finds Donna Troy. They question the last survivor before he dies who reveals that someone is attempting to take over the Anti-Matter universe. That someone revelas himself to be Grayven, son of Darkseid, who admits to being behind all of Ion’s recent troubles and hints that his mother’s illness may be his fault.The Monitors watch Ion and Donna attacking Grayven and decide that they must intervene; not to save either of them but because the two of them are together.

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SKU: 290600-DC Comics-Ion-11-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Lovers & Enemies


Writer Ron Marz
Penciller Greg Tocchini
Penciller Fernando Pasarin
Inker Fernando Pasarin
Inker Jay Leisten
Colorist Tanya Horie
Colorist Richard Horie
Letterer Rob Leigh
Cover Penciller Kalman Andrasofszky
Editor Eddie Berganza
Editor Adam Schlagman


Green Lantern Soranik Natu
Ion Kyle Rayner
Donna Troy
Weaponers of Qward
Green Lantern Guy Gardner
Maura Rayner
Green Lantern Kilowog

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



Release Date

Release Year
