JLA: Act of God – Issue 3


2 in stock

SKU: 330458-DC Comics-JLA: Act of God-3-Squarebound Category: Tags: ,


Title: Book Iii: The Fires


Writer Doug Moench
Penciller Dave Ross
Inker George Freeman
Colorist Chris Chuckry
Letterer Kurt Hathaway
Cover Artist Dave Ross
Editor Andrew Helfer


Blue Beetle (Elseworlds) Ted Kord
Booster Gold (Elseworlds) Michael Carter
Dr. Polaris (Elseworlds) Neal Emerson
Metamorpho (Elseworlds) Rex Mason
Batman (Elseworlds) Bruce Wayne
Metallo (Elseworlds) John Corben
Superman (Elseworlds) Kal-El / Clark Kent
Wonder Woman (Elseworlds) Diana
Arsenal (Elseworlds) Roy Harper
Atom (Elseworlds) Ray Palmer
Black Canary (Elseworlds) Dinah Laurel Lance
Captain Boomerang (Elseworlds) George ‘Digger’ Harkness
Captain Cold (Elseworlds) Leonard Snart
Captain Marvel (Elseworlds) Billy Batson
Cyborg (Elseworlds) Hank Henshaw
Dr. Light (Elseworlds) Arthur Light
Green Lantern (Elseworlds) Kyle Rayner
Green Lantern (Elseworlds) Alan Scott
Heat Wave (Elseworlds) Mick Rory
Huntress (Elseworlds) Helena Bertinelli
Lois Lane (Elseworlds)
Nightwing (Elseworlds) Dick Grayson
Oracle (Elseworlds) Barbara Gordon
Plastic Man (Elseworlds) Patrick ‘Eel’ O’Brian
Sonar (Elseworlds)
Warrior (Elseworlds) Guy Gardner
Wildcat (Elseworlds) Ted Grant
Joker (Elseworlds)
Robin (Elseworlds) Tim Drake
Green Man (Elseworlds) J’onn J’onzz
Hand (Elseworlds) Orin / Arthur Curry
Justice (Elseworlds) Linda Danvers
Mirror Master (Elseworlds) Evan McCulloch
Red Devil (Elseworlds) Wally West
Perry White (Elseworlds)

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count

Release Date

Release Year
