JSA Classified – Issue 3A


Power Girl is still having problems with her powers, and with seeing things. She seeks out Huntress in order to talk things out, despite them not really knowing each other. Their conversation is interrupted by first, the Crime Syndicate, claiming Power Girl was from their dimension, then by more and more heroes and villains, each claiming a more improbable origin for her than the last. All of this is invisible to Huntress, who is knocked out by Power Girl’s struggle. At the end, Psycho Pirate shows up to pick up Kara, who is exhausted physically and emtionally from her struggles. He reports the capture to his boss, Lex Luthor, then makes hints to Power Girl about worlds living and dying while the 2 of them survived.

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SKU: 342393-DC Comics-JSA Classified-3A-Comic Category: Tags: , , ,


Title: Power Trip, Part Iii Of Iv

Storyarc: Power Trip


Writer Geoff Johns
Penciller Amanda Conner
Inker Jimmy Palmiotti
Colorist Paul Mounts
Letterer Rob Leigh
Cover Penciller Amanda Conner
Cover Inker Jimmy Palmiotti
Cover Colorist Paul Mounts
Editor Stephen Wacker


Plasmus Otto von Furth
Houngan Jean-Louis Droo
Huntress Helena Bertinelli
Mr. Bones
Psycho-Pirate Roger Hayden
Mr. Terrific Michael Holt
Flash Jay Garrick
Power Girl Kara / Karen Zor-L / Starr
Lex Luthor Alex Luthor Jr.

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg

Page Count



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